What do yo know about conversion rate? Everyone works in retail world is aware about this aspect. Conversion rate is a rate number that describes the effectiveness of the stores. What happened know is that people around retail world tend to measure the conversion rate only based on their sales volume. Instead of sales volume, a more real parameter is the customer themselves.
Then, you should do a work that is called as people counting. What is people counting? People counting is a work which is aimed to optimize your traffic, staff and marketing strategies to increase conversion rates and profits with actionable data. Let’s make it simpler, the actionable data is people themselves. In other words, the work is about counting customers entering and leaving the store.
Another question arises, how do we count the people? If your answer is putting a special team working on it, that means you are so far away from understanding technology. You may answer this problem, saying that you have already used the conventional beam sensor system. If I supposed to say, it is not enough, at all. This is a broken method. Why? The accuracy is only 50%. When the store is crowded, it can’t provide an accurate calculation. Say, when group of 2, 3 or more people enter side by side, the person in the middle can easily be not detected by the system. Besides, it can’t differentiate whether a person is actually entering or leaving the store or just standing near the sensor system. To make it worse, this system also does a miscalculation whenever a person passes both too slow and too fast.

You may have confused, but just relax and read this article because we have the solution. We would like to introduce you a high technology device used in people counting. It is V-Count 3D Alpha+, a leading technology from V-Count People Counting Products. With the accuracy of minimum 98% accuracy, all the problem faced in using the conventional one is just vanished. The technology used is called stereo-vision technology, provides you with 20 years offline data storage. The monthly average of data used is only 1.44 MB which is great. You just need Wi-Fi connection to do the task because it supports Wi-Fi connectivity.
V-Count 3D Alpha+ counts people entering and leaving the store then provides both data, separately. It is an all in one device. V-Count 3D Alpha+ is not only providing a bi-directional visitor counting data on an hourly, daily and even yearly basis with minimum 98% accuracy, but also including staff elimination, conversion rate analysis, benchmarking and discovering peak hours.
As a staff elimination device, you can receive a ‘pure’ visitor traffic data. In analyzing conversion rate, V-Count 3D Alpha+ provides you an advance conversion rate analysis based on how many customers generated the sales, so you can compare with your traffic and sales trends. Two benefits are just not enough. More, V-Count 3D Alpha+ is also become your new benchmarking tool that locate your highest and lowest performing stores. It also discovers the peak hours which is a chance for you to turn it into bigger sales opportunities. Last, V-Count 3D Alpha+ helps you in staff optimization by rearranging staff allocations to increase customer satisfaction and lower abandonment rate.
If the explanation is not enough to you, wait until you know about the real success story for using this product. “With V-Count devices, we have been tracking one of retail’s most important metrics; conversion rate, with complete accuracy and due to that, we have the ability to take necessary action for each of our stores”, said Bora Cetner, CRM Manager of Arcelik, a household store based in Turkey.